Sea Buckthorn Information

New remedy for:
- Maintaining healthy mucous in stomach when used internally, helps maintain healthy skin when used topically.
- Maintaining healthy cholesterol profile and heart conditions.
- Anti-oxidants and balancing the immune system.
There is a legendary story about Seabuckthorn.It is said that Genghis Khan, the Mongol conqueror, who established one of the largest empires from China to Eastern Europe in the 13th century, relied on three treasures: well organized armies, strict discipline and Sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn berries and seed oil made Genghis Khan’s soldiers stronger than his enemies. Nowadays, scientists in the East have discovered that Sea buckthorn contains high concentrations of primary anti-oxidants as well as other nutrients.
What is Sea buckthron Oil?
Sea buckthorn (Hippohae Rhamnoides L.) is a wild bush that grows in poor, arid soils or sandy wasteland, ie. the Gobi Desert. It can tolerate temperatures from -40C to +40C. Only Sea buckthorn grown on these poor lands preserves the valuable nutrients. A famous Tibetan doctor, YU YUENDAN GONGBU (708-8xx?), first explored Sea buckthorn’s value to human health in the 8th century. For many centuries, the knowledge of the miraculous effects of Sea buckthorn has been mastered exclusively by the Tibetan and Mongolian people.
In the early 1950's Sea buckthorn attracted modern scientists from Russia and China. Sea buckthorn seeds, berries, leaves and barks have been studied extensively for their nutritional, medical and cosmetic benefits. Using modern technology, Sea buckthorn oil is processed from Sea buckthorn’s berries or seeds to preserve most of the vital nutrients. The oil has been identified as the major functional component in Sea buckthorn. In the 1960's, Sea buckthorn oil preparations became dietary supplements for cosmonauts in Russia due to their abundant nutrients, in particular Vitamin E, C, Beta-carotene, and flavonoids. These components all act as powerful antioxidants by providing remarkable protection against oxidative and free radical damage.
What Nutrients does Sea buckthorn Oil Contain?
According to Russian and Chinese scientists, Sea buckthorn contains 190 bio-active components of which 106 are in the oil. The oil is the best single source known to man for Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Beta-carotene, unsaturated fatty acids, essential amino acids and flavonoids.
1. High natural Vitamin E (D-Alfa-toxopherol) in Sea buckthorn oil:
The vitamin E content in Sea buckthorn oil two times higher than wheat oil, 9 times higher than corn oil and 35 times higher than soybean oil. D-a-tocopherol (the most potent vitamin E form) is the major form of vitamin E in seabuckthorn oil.
2. Ideal Essential Fatty Acids Profile:
More than ninety percent of the total fatty acids are unsaturated fatty acids. Sea buckthorn oil contains Omega-3 (28-30%), Omega-6 (36-40%) and Omega-9 (17-20%) oil.
3. Trace Minerals:
Sea buckthorn contains 11 out of 14 essential trace minerals. It contains more potassium than sodium4. Sea buckthorn oil does not contain minerals that are harmful to the body.
4. Flavonoids:
Flavonoids are a group of pigments that contribute to the color of many fruits. Researchers later found that they are useful in the prevention of many health conditions. The Flavonoids in Sea buckthorn are used to maintain healthy cholesterol and heart.
What is the main application of Sea buckthorn oil?
1. Support healthy mucous in stomach:
Sea buckthorn oil is an ideal remedy in supporting healthy gastrointestinal mucous when used internally. Topical applications of Sea buckthorn oil help supporting normal skin function during irritated conditions.
2. Maintain healthy cholesterol profile and heart conditions:
Flavonoids isolated from Sea buckthorn oil can support healthy cholesterol profile. One study from China showed total cholesterol declined from 238 – 79mg% to 180 – 36mg% in 77 patients. The HDL (the good cholesterol) increased from 56.5 – 13mg% to 86.8 – 28mg%5 in the same patients.
3 Anti-oxidants and balancing the immune system:
Sea buckthorn oil contains substantial amounts of vitamin E, C, Beta-carotene, and essential fatty acids. These nutrients are considered the most potent anti-oxidative agents. Dr. Diandong Li from the China Medical Academy did a study on mice. He found that sea buckthorn increased the activity of interleukin-2 and the number of T-cells